The coronavirus has effectively changed how we live, work, and travel. It has also forced us to live more healthy lives.
When it is over, we will return to normal life. But that doesn’t mean that we should not retain our healthy habits, especially while traveling. When you take a trip, you come in contact with a lot of people and new environments, so you must prepare and take the proper precautions.
To prepare you for life after the virus, let’s discuss methods and tools to stay safe during air travel. Note: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Step 1: Bring Your Own TSA-Approved Bottle
The spread of any disease, from the coronavirus to the common cold, is because of germs. Coming in contact with germs is inevitable, but you can limit exposure by avoiding contact with anything that another person has held.
An airplane is especially susceptible to germs because it is a closed-in space, and everything has been touched before. The last thing you want to do is have these germs touch your face, so start by avoiding beverages that are provided by the airport or airline.
Instead, use your own water bottle. You can bring one from home if you use a TSA-approved water bottle like those seen below.
Click a Pic to check them out!
This way, you know that no one else has handled the bottle, and you can drink with confidence. Plus, you can wash it and use it over and over.
Drink A Lot of Water
It is important that you drink enough water before and during your plane ride.
Stats from the World Health Organization state that the humidity levels are lower in air crafts, which means that you lose water and that is why you feel dehydrated with irritated eyes, a parched throat, and exhaustion.
Water is good. Alcohol is bad. Avoid it because it will just contribute to dehydration.
Step 2: Sanitize Everything

As mentioned earlier, airplanes are germ traps, so the second step to safety post-coronavirus is to wash your hands as often as possible until you reach your destination.
You don’t have to be obsessive compulsive, but if you touch the tray table, seats, arm rests, fellow passengers, luggage, the overhead compartments, or anything else, wash your hands afterward.
As a second option, use hand sanitizer. You can make your own sanitizer or buy some after the corona craze has reached its end. There are also some options below.
You can also wash your hands so much, so you will want to sanitize other commonly touched items on the plane.
Use cleaning wipes to sanitize the tray table, and seat arm rests. Even then, you want to avoid directly touching these spots as often as possible.
Tray tables are the dirtiest part of any plane, and they are rarely cleaned, only quickly wiped off, so be smart.
Step 3: Sleep the Night Before and Stay Active on the Plane
The third step of healthy travel post-coronavirus is to take care of yourself.

Whether for business or leisure, travel by plane is a very stressful endeavor. You have to worry about your tickets, security lines, and not forgetting anything. Because of all of this, many travelers go all out before the flight with the plan to sleep on the plane.
The problem is that you cannot count on getting quality sleep on a plane. Not when you have to sit up and deal with changes in air pressure. And if you don’t get the sleep you need, then you will feel jet lag, which can ruin your trip.
Instead, get a good night's rest the evening prior to the flight. Get at least 8 hours of sleep and try to sleep the same hours as the time zone that you will be visiting.
Move About the Cabin
When the pilot turns off the seatbelt sign, feel free to get up and stretch your legs.
If you sit in the same position for too long, then blood will begin to clot in your legs. If that does happen, it could result in a more serious health concern, including a pulmonary embolism.
You should stand up every hour or so and wear loose clothing to avoid any serious implications and feel well-rested when you reach your destination.
Final Notes
It will be a relief when the coronavirus hits its natural conclusion. But, no matter what is happening in the world, these tips should still be followed to ensure the safety of your family.
Take the right precautions before your trip so you can enjoy every minute of your much-deserved vacation.