Is your back killing you? Is it hard for you to get through the day without feeling some kind of pain?
Maybe you work in manual labor, or you are a new parent who now finds yourself feeling fatigued from picking up your child all the time. If this is you, you are not alone.
Back pain affects 65 million Americans. If you have tried everything and have not seen results, then think about this three-step method and get to the root of your problem so you can feel better.
Step 1: Start the Morning With This Back Stretch
If you deal with back pain a lot, then you know that it can creep up on you at any time, especially when you need it the least. So the key is starting your morning off right.
As soon as you get out of bed, do this important standing back stretch.
Don’t pick up the kids, bend down to get laundry, or anything else. Just get out of bed and do this stretch. It will help to warm up your back. Repeat it a few times as you go back further and further. It will do wonders.

Step 2: Educate Yourself On the Root of Your Pain
As a victim to back pain, you are probably not a stranger to back stretches. They are a temporary solution that can feel good for now, but you need to get to the root of your back problem.
Without finding the real reason for your back pain, you will continue the cycle of seeing the doctor, getting advice that doesn’t work, going through physical therapy, paying for expensive treatments, and repeating the process over and over.
Though it can be hard to get to the root of your pain, it often has to do with reshaping the lumbar spine. That has to be done first before your other stretches will make a real long-standing impact.

On top of that, if you keep doing treatments and exercises that only apply a bandaid to the pain without healing the spine, you could be doing more harm than good.
So after you do the initial standing stretch, consider the following moves into your back strengthening and fitness routines.
Step 3: The Right Stretches
For manageable back pain, look to and practice proper stretches that will reshape the lumbar spine. Try the 3-part back shaping exercises recommended by Kinesiologist Rick Kaselj.
In essence, it involves taking the time to work on internal and external reshaping along with incorporating exercises for your specific injury.
Internal reshaping involves correcting the issue with your lower lumbar.
External reshaping includes the right crunches and exercises to keep your back strong.
After the basics, additional stretches are necessary for your specific issue.
Visit this page to learn the specific stretches that doctors recommend for each type of back pain affliction.
The great thing about many of these workouts is that they not only help your back issues, but they keep you physically fit as well. It’s great for those who want to look their best and for new parents who are feeling aches and pains from lugging kids around.
Final Notes
If you still feel back pain after trying the tips above, then consult a few more resources until you find the true source of your pain.
Here are some great websites and books to help with back pain.
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