Lately, there have been many news reports of UFO sightings and strange lights in the skies.
Here is one of the most recent: Navy Alien Sighting
While it used to be easy for the military to explain away the sightings and say that they were not aliens, lately, it is becoming more difficult.
In fact, the military just stated that they "cannot rule out" that what we are seeing is not alien ships.
It is looking very possible that we may have real-life aliens on our doorstep soon, and this is something we will want to be prepared for. Luckily, there are some tips that you can use to get a leg up if this does become a reality.
It may be a smart idea to try these steps so you aren't caught off guard.
1. Learn a Second Language
There is very little chance that aliens will speak English when they make contact. If they speak at all, it will be a foreign tongue that will be impossible to decipher. However, if you want to have any chance of even beginning to understand them, you will want to learn a second language.
When you learn a new language, you build your cognitive abilities, and not only does that improve your concentration, but it also makes it easier to learn a 3rd or 4th language. This is because you start to understand the beats and linguistic structures and the rest is just memorization.
This may give you a hint of what the aliens are saying.
The point is that even if the aliens don't use words, knowing multiple languages may still give you a leg up over someone who only know one.
2. Stockpile Water
Now may be a good time to start buying water, pools, and sprinkler systems in bulk.
Although they are works of fiction, movies like Signs and A Quiet Place have shown that the weakness of aliens could be water.
That is likely because, as we have seen on familiar planets like the Mars and the Moon, there is no real water like we know it. Liquid seems to be an element that is mostly unique to Earth. And because it doesn't exist elsewhere, aliens aren't used to it, so they have no defenses against it and they likely cannot swim.

On top of that, if the aliens are hostile and cause destruction, you will need plenty of water ahead of time.
If you hear that alien visitors do arrive, it may be a smart idea to turn on your sprinkler systems, prepare your pool, and even fill several small inflatable pools and surround your home.
3. Stay In The Background
If it becomes common knowledge that aliens have made contact and are indeed on our planet, there is no reason to make a big scene or even make yourself known.

We still do not know for sure why aliens would even be traveling to Earth, but it may be that they want to take over and you do not want to be in the way if they do.
It is very likely that they will make their way to major cities where many people and resources can be found, so being further away from civilization is a smart idea.
Plus, if aliens are malicious, it may take a while for us to learn how to defeat them. If you are further out in the country, you may still be alive once that solution is discovered.
Are Aliens Out There?
While it is still unlikely that we will see alien life on planet Earth for a while, the crazy sightings lately sure are interesting. When the government runs out of answers, you know there may be something there.
What do you think? Are you afraid of aliens? Or is it all just a fairy tale?
Share your strategies in the comments.