The great thing about bowling is that it is fun for professionals as well as for the person who only goes to the bowling alley for the rare birthday party.
While bowling is an enjoyable game, it can be tough to go up there and throw the ball when you know that everyone is behind you watching. You certainly don't want to get a gutter ball!
Fear not! We are here to help. This is the 3 steps to bowling a strike. With practice, you can get strikes over and over.
1. Pick the Right Ball
Amateur bowlers may have theories about how to pick the right ball to hit a strike. Some think a heavy ball will really mow down the pins, while others may believe the super light ball will allow them to pitch it down the lane like a missile. Both are incorrect.

What you want to find is a ball with weight but one that is easy for you to launch with good control and without it putting too much strain on your hand/arm.
As a general rule, use a bowling ball that is 10 percent of your total body weight, with a maximum of up to 16 pounds. So if you are 150 pounds, you need a 15 pound ball.
Even if you are a stronger and heavier person, you still want to limit the ball to 16 pounds regardless so you can control the ball.
2. Take 4 Steps
Now that you have your ball, place it in your hand, step up to the dots and line yourself up in the middle of the lane.

You will take 4 steps as you approach the lane and release the ball. Don't turn your body at all, just walk straight with your body facing the lane.
Your first step will be with the foot opposite of the hand that is holding the ball. Take 4 total steps that end before you cross the line that starts the lane.
3. Smooth Swing and Release
As you are taking your 4 steps, you will begin your swing.
Keep your arm straight as you pull it backward and always keep the ball close to your body. Once you start bringing the ball forward again, you want to let your fingers slip out as it reaches its lowest point along your body, near your feet.
You don't want the ball to bounce onto the lane but to roll smoothly.
You're not done yet! Once the ball leaves your fingers, you need to follow forward through with your arm to complete the movement.

These Are The Basics...
After this, see what little adjustments you have to make to continue to get strikes. It may involve standing an inch to your left or right, or it may be that you have to release the ball a second later.
Of course, practice makes perfect. You may not score the perfect game right away, but this routine will help you to bowl a strike in 3 steps.
Have any of your own bowling tips? Share them in the comments!