Burning belly fat is an easy three-step process. Knowing what to do is half the battle. After that, it is all about commitment and sticking to the steps.
Step 1: Proper diet
The three-step process of losing body fat begins with eating the right foods that help you to feel fulfilled while also energizing your body to keep a high metabolism.
A. Avoid Trans Fats
Avoid any foods that contain trans fats. Oddly enough, trans fats were banned by the government a couple of years back, but some foods still contain them. Trans fats are bad because they raise your cholesterol levels, which leads to belly fat. They also increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.
To avoid trans fats, avoid the following foods, or have them only in extreme moderation:
Cake and cookie mixes. Although the package will say zero trans fats, they often include at least 0.5 grams.
Creamer in your coffee. In fact, black coffee is found to help with weight loss.
Fried food and fast food. Restaurants often don’t often present nutritional facts, so they can get away with it.
Frozen pizza. Trans fats are one of the reasons that pizza can go from frozen to warm and crispy in minutes.
B. Go High-Protein
Now that you have cut out the bad food, it is time to add in the good stuff. Eating the right foods will make your body work for you instead of against it. Protein is especially important because it makes up most of your body's structure and provides the right enzymes that allow you to continuously work to lose weight.
Protein makes you feel fuller when you eat and increases the number of calories that you burn when you exercise. Not to mention strengthening your bones.
Delicious high-protein foods that can aid in weight loss include the following. Many of them would go great as a side dish or morning snack:
Boiled eggs
Greek yogurt
Protein bars and protein shakes
Cottage cheese
C. Reduce Carb Intake
The more carbohydrates you take in, the more belly fat you will have. It’s as simple as that. There are different types of carbs. But you want to avoid refined carbs, also known as processed or simple carbs.
Refined carbs include a lot of sugar and grains that are stripped of their nutritious components. When you eat them, your blood sugar lowers soon after, making you hungry again. They don’t keep your body active and so the fat just sits there.
Here are the main culprits that contain refined carbs:
Breakfast cereal
Pizza dough
White rice
White bread
And any food that has ingredients from this list: Refined Carb List
D. Avoid alcohol and sugary beverages
When it comes to losing belly fat, it is not only what you eat but what you drink. Sugary drinks create unwanted calories and can also be dangerous for your health. Yes, sugary drinks include soda, juice, energy drinks, iced tea, and sports drinks.
Instead substitute those sugary drinks for beverages like:
Fruit smoothies
Unsweetened juice and soda
Alcohol should also be consumed in moderation. Alcoholic beverages contain calories, and studies show that the average wine drinker takes in 2,000 calories each month, which is the equivalent of 18 donuts.
Beer is the same way. Alcohol also increases appetite and leads to cravings.
However, you can still drink in moderation. If you follow the other steps in this process, then you can still consume two alcoholic drinks per day and be okay.
Step 2: Exercise with the most effective workout moves
The second step of losing belly fat includes proper exercise.
It is important to keep in mind that you do not have to run several miles a day, but moderate exercise for approximately 150 a week, along with healthy eating will do the trick.
There are several specific exercises that have been scientifically proven to burn the most belly fat:
A. Running is an inexpensive way to burn many calories during one session.
B. Equipment including an elliptical or exercise bicycle.
C. Cardio Exercises. For burning belly fat, burpees, mountain climbers, planks, and moderate weight lifting are some of the more dependable methods.
When it comes to exercise, you get what you put into it. So even though you do not have to run marathons, you want to take the exercises seriously and put in the effort to get the best results.
Step 3: Go to sleep!
The third and final step of losing unwanted belly fat is to get quality sleep. No, it isn’t counter-intuitive because sleep is the best way to avoid stress and energize your body for the next day.
It is recommended that you get 7 to 9 hours of sleep. You also want to get the same amount of sleep each night. So, if you wake up at 7AM on weekdays, you should try to wake up close to seven on weekends as well.
So how does sleep help with weight loss? Well, when you are staying up late sitting on the couch not being active, you are more likely to feel hungry and go for a snack.
More importantly, when you get enough sleep, you are more rested for the day ahead, so you are more likely to engage in physical activity, you are more productive, so you spend less time thinking about food, and when your body is tired, it decreases your metabolism.
Finally, those who sleep less are often more stressed, and your body creates cortisol which leads your brain to crave food to make you feel better. Make yourself feel better naturally with restful, enjoyable sleep.
Wrap Up and Final Notes
Although everyone’s body is unique and we all go through different struggles, if you follow these three basic steps, then you will reduce your belly fat and live a happier and more fulfilling life.